Empowering Our Future: Electric Plus, is now an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Share in Our Success and Spark Your Potential!
We’re excited to announce that Electric Plus, Inc. has become an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)! This innovative change marks a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering a collaborative and empowered workplace. With the ESOP, our dedicated team members will now have the opportunity to share in the company’s growth and success, aligning their interests with our collective goals. As we embark on this new chapter, we believe that giving our employees a stake in Electric Plus, Inc. will enhance engagement, drive performance, and solidify our shared vision for a bright future.
Video Regarding Employee Stock Ownership Plans

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Common Questions Regarding Your ESOP
Is the union included?
Yes it is. Electric Plus will be one of only 4 union contractors in the United States that have included their union. Electric Plus is the largest of these contractors to have included the union
Are any of my existing retirement or union benefits changing due to this?
No, this is simply an additional retirement benefit you will receive, no other plans are changed or removed.
Are we the only company with an ESOP?
The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) estimates there are roughly 6,500 employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). For more information on how many ESOPs there are, please review the ESOPs by the Numbers article.
Some examples of ESOPs are:
What is an ESOP?
An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a qualified retirement plan designed to invest in company stock for the benefit of employees. The ESOP:
- Builds wealth for employee-owners over time
- Creates a market for company stock
- Allows employees to share in the equity ownership of the company
For more information regarding ESOPs, Click Here!
What does owning Electric Plus, Inc. stock through the ESOP do for me?
The ESOP provides you with the following:
- Retirement dollars
- Continuation for the Company
- A market for Company shares
- The opportunity for you to participate in the growth of the Company
Are there any other resources where I can learn more about ESOPs?
Yes! The NCEO (National Center for Employee Ownership) has some great material they’ve put togther. Click here for their guide to employee ownership.
How do I join the ESOP?
You must work for Electric Plus, Inc. for at least one year and work 1,000 hours or more in that year. After completing these requirements, you enter the Plan on defined dates.
How do I get my shares?
After joining the ESOP, you may be eligible to share in Company contributions that are used to acquire Company stock for your account. You are eligible to share in contributions for any year in which you work 1,000 hours AND are employed on the last day of the plan year (December 31).
How much do I get?
A formula is used to determine how much of the total contribution is yours in any given year. Your contribution bears the same relationship to the total contribution as your Compensation bears to the total Compensation of all eligible participants in the ESOP. This also takes into account dollars contributed to other defined contribution/benefit retirement plans.
For example, if your Compensation during a Plan Year is $40,000 and all Plan participants together have total compensation of $2,000,000, your account will be credited with $40,000/$2,000,000 or two percent (2%) of the total Company contributions, forfeitures and allocations of Company stock to be credited for that Plan Year. If the total allocation for that plan year is 2,500 shares, then you would receive 2 percent, or 50 shares.
Example: 2,500 shares x $40,000 / $2,000,000 = 50 shares
Is the money mine right away?
You must become “vested” in your account balance before it is yours for good. You will receive a year of service for vesting for any Plan year in which you work 1,000 hours or more.
ESOP Vesting Schedule |
1 Year of Service |
0% |
2 Years |
0% |
3 Years |
100% |
If you leave before you are 100% vested, the portion of your account that is not vested will be forfeited and shared by the remaining plan participants.
Is there any other way to become 100% vested?
Your account will vest 100% if the following occurs while you are employed at Electric Plus, Inc.:
- You become permanently disabled
- You reach Normal Retirement Age
- Your death occurs
What do I have to do to retire under the ESOP?
You have two ways to retire from Electric Plus, Inc.
- You reach Normal Retirement Age, which is the later of age 65 or 5 years of service.
- You reach Late Retirement Age, which is anytime you decide to retire after you have passed Normal Retirement Age.
How can I get my money?
The vested portion of your account becomes yours on any one of four occasions: Retirement, Death, Disability and Termination for other causes. For more information on timing, please visit the page, Find out how to get your money.
ESOP Vesting Schedule | |
1 Year of Service | 0% |
2 Years | 0% |
3 Years | 100% |
If you leave before you are 100% vested, the portion of your account that is not vested will be forfeited and shared by the remaining plan participants.
Who is the trustee of our ESOP and what is their role?
The trustee of the ESOP is Kjersti Cory with SCJ Associates
The trustee of the ESOP manages the plan assets in the best interests of plan participants. The trustee also sets the price of the stock with the help of a third-party appraiser.
Who decides how much Electric Plus, Inc. stock is worth?
The ESOP Trustee determines the stock value by engaging a third-party appraiser who is in the business of valuing companies for ESOP purposes. Stock valuations are conducted annually as of the last day of each plan year (December 31).
How does the appraiser determine the value of the stock?
Among other things, the appraiser looks at the following: current earnings, company assets, projected profitability and industry trends.
Can I vote my shares?
You may be asked to vote if one of the following situations arises:
- Consolidation
- Proposed merger with another company
- Reclassification
- Dissolution or Liquidation
- Sale of substantially all of the company assets
- Recapitalization
What is an ESOP Acquisition loan and how does it work?
ESOPs are permitted by law to borrow money to purchase shares, and this is known as an ESOP acquisition loan. The stock purchased with the loan is held in a suspense account – an account used to hold assets that have not yet been allocated to participants. Shares in the suspense account are released only as the loan is repaid. Each year, the Company will fund the ESOP with Employer Contributions for the ESOP to use to pay back this loan, and shares released with the payments for that year are allocated to participants’ ESOP accounts.
Who is responsible for paying back the loan?
Electric Plus, Inc. is responsible for paying back the loan. ESOP participants are not responsible for any loan payments.
How does the appraiser determine the value of the stock?
Among other things, the appraiser looks at the following: current earnings, company assets, projected profitability and industry trends.
How does the ESOP Loan impact me as a participant?
The Electric Plus, Inc. ESOP can buy more stock for participants now. Because the stock is paid for over a defined period, participants are provided with a definite allocation every year in which the loan is outstanding.
May I put my own money into the ESOP?
No, you are neither required nor permitted to put your own money into the ESOP.
Is this ESOP really free?
Electric Plus, Inc. ESOP participants will not put any of their own money into the ESOP, BUT:
- ESOP participants now have a shared responsibility to help the Company grow
- Participants’ retirement accounts depend upon the value of the Company’s shares
- The ESOP increases participants’ stake in the Company and the Company’s stake in them
What makes my account balance increase?
Factors that affect your account balance are:
- Number of shares
- The Company’s annual contribution
- Your share of amounts forfeited by other participants
- Your compensation
- Your years of vesting service
- Value of the Company’s stock